The lengths one will go for a sale…

I recently got several emails from a company selling desks online, persistently trying to get my attention, because supposedly I wrote about their desk on my website at one point.  They want me to sign up as an affiliate to help sell their desks.  I tried the link they provided that was supposedly from my mention, but it didn’t resolve.  Seems sketchy right?
Well, rather than just rant at them and tell them to take me off their list, I looked into it more.  I ran this site in a different content management system for a long time before switching it out recently and I haven’t taken the time to move the data, so maybe I did mention them on it?

I looked over the website they included.  This is supposedly the desk I talked about…milk_desk_classic_06_600x600@2x

I’ll get back to that in a minute.  I pulled up the database dumb that I did from the old website and searched it.  I did find a post… from 2007.  It was just a link with the caption “An odd desk ripe for a Mac.”  That was the extent of it.  Seems like a bit of a delayed response to my post, but then again, maybe I’m just at that edge of the internet and they scrapped all the other links already and I was left… who knows.

So I thanked them for their belated inquiry, but I have not signed up for the affiliate program though because I can’t imagine anyone who in their right mind would see that desk and pay $4,145 (adjusted from Euros to Dollars) for it.  Yes. For the price of a used car you could own a desk that does nothing special and comes with no accessories, those all cost extra obviously.  You don’t think you get anything cool for such a low low price?  I’m not sure what they are smoking over there but I’m pretty sure I could find that desk at IKEA for $249 and even then I’d probably think it was too expensive.

That all said, if you see this desk here and absolutely must have it, please let me know and I’ll sign up for the affiliate program and split the commission with you!  It’s a whole 5% so that would be roughly $100 coming your way.  Also, if you have that much money, buy a few… I could eventually make enough in commission to not buy my own!