Tag Archives: rant

The lengths one will go for a sale…

I recently got several emails from a company selling desks online, persistently trying to get my attention, because supposedly I wrote about their desk on my website at one point.  They want me to sign up as an affiliate to help sell their desks.  I tried the link they provided that was supposedly from my mention, but it didn’t resolve.  Seems sketchy right? Continue reading The lengths one will go for a sale…

A Troubling Trend

There seems to be a design trend that is taking root and seems counter-intuitive to a good user experience.  I don’t know if there is an official title for it, but it basic is about taking content and making it more ‘intimate’ or ‘curated’ or ‘decompressed’.  I’m honestly not sure what the best way to describe it is, but I’ve railed on it previously in regards to the horrific new Hulu redesign that I talked about in previous posts. Continue reading A Troubling Trend

Minimum Wage

We had a perfect case for replacing people with machines today at McDonalds.  They have a bacon clubhouse sandwich that comes as a burger or with grilled or crispy chicken.  It has some sort of sauce on it based on the picture so we asked the cashier what came on it. They looked confused for a second and then answered, “Bacon”.

I had to compose myself and ask more specifically about the sauce on it. Both of the cashiers did some really complicated series of calculations and button pressing on their registers before finally saying it was “Big Mac Sauce”. Okay… but wait there’s more.

I said we’d like one of the Bacon clubhouse burgers, just the sandwich, with no sauce. He said okay and proceeded to ask me the following question, “Grilled or Crispy?” I stared blankly and just said, “the burger version”, to which he replied in an affirmative and asked again, “yeah, okay; grilled or crispy.”  I repeated it again and he looked like he got it and we proceeded and I asked if he got it right and he said yes. 

When I checked the reciept, it was not right and I had to flag a manager to get it fixed before it came out. I didn’t even bother to get the twenty cents difference back.  We need to replace these people with machines and let them figure out something better to do for a living.  Or maybe I should have just asked for a crispy burger.

Check yourself 

Friendly reminder that if someone you dislike says something that triggers you, it’s probably a good idea to see if someone you do like said it first so you don’t look like an ignorant hypocrite.  Ex. Sean Spicer said something that some could argue is true, but people didn’t like; strangely enough Chris Matthews and the NYT both said the same thing years earlier with no I’ll will or fake outrage.  Ditto when Ben Carson talked about slaves as immigrants and was lambasted, but on numerous multiple occasions Obama made that same analogy and used almost identical words.  You can’t have it both ways.