Waiting Game

Why do most waiting rooms only offer free coffee?  I know it’s one of the prevalent drinks out there, but some of us can’t stand it. Would be nice to have some sodas or juice or something for those avoiding coffee.  I know it’s a wonder beverage to some, but I have not been able to find a flavor or type that will work for me.  Inclusivity is big these days right? 🙂

Too much of a good thing?

I’ve been talking to a friend about this some and it got me thinking.  With the success the Marvel movies and DC tv series, there seems to be a glut of content available and it might seem a bit much.  On the one hand, it seems like there are just a ridiculous amount of those shows available today and you can’t deny it’s the most prolific they have been.  On the other hand though, the quality and variety seems to make it palatable.  I honestly think what it boils down to most though is I’m too close to and enjoy the source material too much to make an objective call and I tent to notice and consume more than the average consumer.  So is it too much?  I imagine we’ll start to see it shake out some, but I think quality will still be king.  Look at DC, their TV shows have done well, but the movies are being panned because they can’t replicate the magic of Marvel and the variety they represent.

Music Man

So apparently I frequent the Wendy’s enough that certain clerks recognize me.  The one today told me that every time I come in she thinks I’m a music person, like a guitarist or something. I thanked her as I’ll take it as a compliment as I’m sure it was intended.  Sadly though, I don’t really have a musical bone in my body so I don’t really live up to my image.


Yesterday I had the pleasure of be part of a panel for presentations from our entrepreneurship class.  The projects and ideas were varied, although they did revolve around game design in some fashion.  From board games to serious games, there was a bit of a good mix.  I feel a little bad as I had a decent familiarity with the majority of genres and markets so my questions might have been pointed.  Luckily most of them were thankful for the thoughts and direction afterwards.  It’s just nice to see people doing more with an idea than just having it.