
As part of my apparent nostalgia kick (this website update being part of that) I’ve been listening to a bunch of my old mix CDs. You know those shiney circular things that held music after cassettes but before iPods and digital stuff took off?  At the time, I did make some pretty cd labels and gave up with cringe-worthy album titles, but I never wrote down the songs.  So I’ve been listening to them, writing down the track list and trying to convert them into a playlist that I can share publicly.  I tried Spotify at first, but found it lacked some of my more esoteric song choices, so I switched to YouTube playlists and it’s been pretty easy.  As I get closer to done, I’ll start posting them for people to enjoy or laugh at. My bet is on the latter, but hey I liked them at the time and from what I’ve heard, they seem to stand up alright given time.  Once that is all done, I might have to start making some mixes of current stuff, but one step at a time.