Tag Archives: movies

I Feel Dirty

Due to recent changes with MoviePass (see previous post), I was trying to find a movie I could see with my friend since I couldn’t go see any of the ones I’ve seen recently.  Avengers would be ideal, but good luck getting a reserved seat that wasn’t front row right before show time.  So we settled on seeing ‘I Feel Pretty’ from Amy Schumer.  Expectations were low.  The fact that we could get good seats, noone was there, and it would just be relaxing time watching what is probalby at best a Netflix movie was just all ways to excuse seeing the movie.

It was much better than I’ve heard and it made me laugh out loud.  I’m not a fan of Amy Schumer at all, but this was a decent comedy.  It made me laugh more than Super Troopers 2 did.  Which is painful to say because I really wanted to like ST2.


As a follow-up to the Moviepass post, they recently made a number of changes to their service that have people upset and confused.  Some affect current members like myself and others new members.  Let’s start with the new members.

The standard $10 for unlimited movies offer is gone (at least for now) and replaced with an offer that gives you 4 movies a month instead.  That’s one a week and still a good deal, but not as good a deal.  They give you some crappy trial for some other service with it, but I honestly don’t know how that is a ‘benefit’.

Okay, that out of the way, let’s talk about the changes that affect old and new customers.  You can no longer go see any movie you want to once a day (or once a week depending on your plan) but instead only can see movies you haven’t already seen with the service.  In other words, no repeat viewings.  This severely limits your ability to hit the one a day mark and really hampers my plans.  I figured as long as I could go see a movie later with a friend, it wouldn’t matter if I saw it first on a different date that I had some time to kill.  Quite annoying.

As well, some of us now have to take a photo of our ticket when we use the service and upload it.

It all boils down to two things.  One, people are using it more than they want us to.  Two, some people are ruining it for others by sharing their account and using it to scam services.  For example, some people would get tickets and not go just to earn rewards for the movie chain since the movie still counted since it was ‘paid’ for.  So now, we get less and have to do more to reap the benefits.

It’s still a good deal, just a lot less appealing.

Too much of a good thing?

I’ve been talking to a friend about this some and it got me thinking.  With the success the Marvel movies and DC tv series, there seems to be a glut of content available and it might seem a bit much.  On the one hand, it seems like there are just a ridiculous amount of those shows available today and you can’t deny it’s the most prolific they have been.  On the other hand though, the quality and variety seems to make it palatable.  I honestly think what it boils down to most though is I’m too close to and enjoy the source material too much to make an objective call and I tent to notice and consume more than the average consumer.  So is it too much?  I imagine we’ll start to see it shake out some, but I think quality will still be king.  Look at DC, their TV shows have done well, but the movies are being panned because they can’t replicate the magic of Marvel and the variety they represent.